
GET THE FUEL for the day with BEE POLLEN

get the fuel for the day with bee pollen. A jar full of bee pollen.

We know how hard bees work for their honey.
Thanks to their hard work, we can benefit from numerous other products.
One of them: Bee pollen.

Let’s start from the beginning. Bee pollen shouldn’t be confused with other bee products such as honey, royal jelly, or honeycomb. This is a unique mixture of flower pollen, nectar, enzymes, honey, wax, and bee secretions. The working bees provide bee pollen as food for the colony, and they give it to the new larvae and young bees (from 1 to 15 days of age). Along with royal jelly, it’s their secret recipe to prepare them for their life. Thankfully, bee pollen is now being made more widely available and has more than earned its place among the famous list of well-known apitherapeutic products. 

But what benefits can we get from bee pollen? Here are three of the most important of them.

  1. It can be considered a complete food
  2. High quantity of Antioxidants that protect from Free Radicals and Chronic Diseases
  3. Beneficial for Brain & Mood Health

1- There are more than 250 active substances, which make it a complete food

Bee pollen boasts an impressive nutritional profile. It contains over 250 active substances, including proteins, carbs, lipids, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants – which make it an excellent supplement for our everyday life!

His nutritional heritage is almost unrivaled: for instance, a spoon is able to cover the requirement of a person’s vitamin (except for vitamins F and B4).
The complete nutritional profile of these tiny granules can lend itself to help with literally countless ailments and deficiencies. As you’ll read below, the benefits of bee pollen are truly staggering.

Their unique formula helps with essential functions for our body, like protein and hormone synthesis, energy production, and better transmission of nerve impulses.

2- Protection From Free Radicals and Chronic Diseases Thanks to Antioxidants

Bee pollen is loaded with a wide variety of antioxidants. It could be rated with the best antioxidant foods like black raspberries and pecan nuts. With flavonoids, carotenes, and phytosterols, the pollen of bees also provides lycopene, selenium, quercetin, and beta-carotene – which makes it a “superfood,” for sure.

If you are asking why antioxidants are so important for our body, here’s the reason. Their main purpose is to protect our bodies against potentially harmful molecules called free radicals. The oxidation of cells is a natural process associated with aging, but it can be accelerated depending on multiple factors such as stress, smoking, alcohol, and exposure to toxins that come from air and water pollution but also from food and cosmetics that we use daily.

So to counteract the action of the free radicals, and with the aim of protecting our cells from destruction, we must constantly provide our body with natural antioxidants. Studies from test ORAC (Oxygen radical absorbance capacity) showed how high the amount of antioxidants inside bee pollen is compared to some of the food, which is known to have a high rate. For instance, 15/20 gr of pollen in the morning is equal to 900 gr of greens – like broccolis!  Not to bad for a natural supplement. 

3- Beneficial for Brain & Mood Health

Through the many supplements inside bee pollen, the glucose and fructose on its inside make a highly energetic and tonic substance, beneficial both for the body and for the mind in moments of extreme tiredness.

Furthermore, thanks mainly to its high amino acid content, pollen has an affinity for the brain. It stimulates memory and the power of concentration. Psycho-physiological tests show a considerable increase in attention, with a diminution of errors and an apparent increase in muscular force. It should be advised to aged persons, children of school age, and students to ease exam preparation, which helps them to feel more confident in their everyday achievements.

Another function of bee pollen is that can be recommended against many mental states that can affect us nowadays due to the busyness of every day, like anxiety, depression, irritable moods, insomnia, and headaches.

Side effects

Although it is a healthy, high-antioxidant food, it is still important to talk about the potential side effects of bee pollen.

Some people are sensitive to the pollen within bee pollen and can develop an allergic reaction. This can happen if you take too much bee pollen too soon or increase your intake too quickly.  As a result, it is important to begin with very small amounts and to increase your intake gradually.

To find out if you are sensitive to bee pollen, first, take two kernels and place them under your tongue. Leave the pollen particle there until it is entirely absorbed. Then, if you feel any collateral effects, like an allergic reaction, it’s better to try another apitherapeutic product. If you need more information, here is a more complete guide to know what to do.

Our Suggestion

These are only some of the numerous benefits people can earn from these tiny little granules. Many times there is this misconception that pollen is the hard work of bees that want to collect more and more pollen from flowers and trees, but the exciting part is that pollen only becomes beneficial medicinally and cosmetically after it comes into contact with the insect, so the work from the bees it’s fundamental! 

There are many bee pollen products on the market, many of which are very poor quality with very suspect ingredients. Usually, a lot of companies from all over the world try to sell cheap, low-grade bee pollen that is contaminated with antibiotics, heavy metals, and other impurities. After searching for the best product with the best value, we decide to choose Dutchman’s Gold. Here you can find Dutchman’s Gold Bee Pollen, one of the high-quality pollen from Canada imported here in the UAE, to give the best quality for our customers.